Use Yahoo! Web Analytics to view campaign traffic by zip code

I just finished reading an article titled: Forecast: Geotargeted display ads to reach $1.9 billion

In the article it stated:

"By geographically targeting ads to consumers marketers can substantially increase their ability to reach in-market consumers. For example, an auto dealer can now target consumers in specific zip codes or regions rather than blanketing an entire state or block of content sites."

As I read this, I thought why not just get this geographic data out of your Yahoo! Web Analytics reports? After you've set up Yahoo! Web Analytics to track your campaigns, you can set up a simple Customized Report to see the traffic to those campaigns via zip code (click on image below).

In the image example above, I simply selected the 'Demographics' report (from the left hand nav menu) and then selected the 'Zip Code' report in the dropdown menu.

After that, I selected the 'Customize Report' icon at the top of the page and followed the steps below.

1) From the 'Groups" tab, I clicked the 'Marketing' button.

2) Within the 'Marketing' button dropdown, I dragged the 'Campaigns' button over to the "Drag Groups Here' box (above the 'Zip Code' button).

3) Then I selected the 'Show Report' button (click on image below).

Now I can view the the traffic from different zip codes for all of my campaigns and I can target my users appropriately!


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