Yahoo! "Web Analytics" On The Rise

Maybe all of this blogging about Yahoo's web analytics is finally paying off! According to the recent report I ran on Google's Insights report for the terms "web analytics" and "online advertising", the #1 Rising Search phrase for analytics from January '06 to August '08 is................"yahoo web analytics"

If you think that phrase is rising now, just wait until we finish integrating IndexTools! :)


EHAM said…
I like it!
Google can't dominate forever...
Brian Mark said…
Yahoo does analytics?

Hey, nice to see a familiar face is at Yahoo! in the Analytics. You got us hooked on IndexTools many years ago. I just wish I could use an API to put some of the data into a few reports I do.
Matt Lillig said…
Hi Brian, thanks for stopping by the blog! Good to hear from you!

Yahoo's analytics at this time is focused on measuring your online advertising efforts. While most of our advertisers use it to track the success of their Yahoo! Sponsored Search campaigns, many advertisers also use it to track the successfulness of their online efforts such as display (banner) ads, Yahoo! Shopping ads, Yahoo! Search Submit ads, email campaigns, and even Google and MSN PPC campaigns. We provide click to conversion reports and even provide campaign conversion assist reports (which one of our most popular reports these days).

Are you still using IndexTools? We're currently in the process of integrating IndexTools (now called Yahoo! Web Analytics) into various Yahoo properties (ones I can't discuss yet) and have some other great plans for it on the way!
Brian Mark said…
I was kidding with the first part of the comment.

Yes, we're still using IndexTools. I really like that it doesn't cost us $2k/month now!

I'm trying out the ftp export via csv to see if I can get the data I need for my reports, but an API sure would be nice. Any chance of that down the road?
Matt Lillig said…
Hi Brian,

I've asked around and it is on the roadmap. But because of the integration with Yahoo! now it's going to take a little more time before it's released.

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